Edwin Jager Iconometer #48 Look What I Found! Caution: Before you read on, consider your choices. If you arrived here from my website, the i48 video or elsewhere on the internet, you might want to read a physical copy of Iconometer 48 first. You can get a copy from my storenvy shop here: http://mynameizedwin.storenvy.com/products/19086370-iconometer-48-an-artists-book-by-edwin-jager You can virtually read Iconometer 48 here: https://vimeo.com/176554604 Maybe you have access to the analog version, but clicked on the QR code, watched the video and want to keep your experience virtual. If so, you’re ready to read on! Or, you have read the printed version and you’re ready to learn more. Please proceed with your chosen method of delivery. Introduction Early in 2015, I received a package in the mail from my mentor, Wendy Cain who retired in June 2015, from teaching printmaking and papermaking at the Ontario College of Art ...