My Record Collection from A–Z Animotion It’s hard to think of a band that's more '80s sounding than Animotion. From the clever word play of the band name to the cover art to the band member photographs on the back. So stylish. And happy. This is not a record that I’ve retained from my youth. I think I pulled it from the dollar bin a few years back. The first track, Obsession, is probably their most well-known song—at least to me. Lots of synthesizer. Very dramatic. And amazingly stalkerish lyrics. It should make anyone's stalker play list, and it has: http://rateyourmusic.com/…/The…/the_greatest_stalking_songs/ Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIs5StN8J-0 And, in keeping with the 80s songwriting rulebook, the song breaks down into an aggressive guitar solo at the end. At some point, you have to shred. Those of you who grew up or live anywhere near Toronto would recognize this song as the theme music for Fashion Television. Originally on Ci...